観光・移住 > 奄美群島特例通訳案内士
This page lists designated local guides of the Amami Islands who specialize in the attractions of Kikai.
Amami Islands Designated Local Guides are people who work in the Amami Islands.
They have knowledge about the history and culture of Amami and are registered in cities, towns, or villages throughout the Amami Islands as the local guides.
List of Amami Islands Designated Local Guides(only registered in Kikai)(PDF:255KB)
This information is listed with permission from each guide.
A fee will be charged when using the guide’s services.
料金については、各登録者にお問い合わせください。Please contact each guide directly for information regarding their fee.
喜界町 企画観光課
Tourism and Planning Office of Kikai
電話番号 0997-65-3683
Telephone +81-997-65-3683
E-mail lgwan@town.kika.lg.jp
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